I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A Verdict On Nickelback

Break starts in 3 days! Only.... 2 assignments and a test to go.

Internet Explorer Sucks
I like having the option of starting to type the first few letters of a URL and then having it give me a list of sites that match all conveniently in a scrollable menu so I can be lazy and just click on the one I was going to type.

But there's one problem with this system. Spelling errors.

blgospot.com plagued me for a while after I mis-typed the address of Dennis's blog a few weeks ago. It sent me to blgospot.com, which some evil bastard cleverly registered to catch careless spellers like flies in a web, and as such typing in the beginning of the URL to Dennis's blog from there on in made the blgospot address pop up at the top of the list (with blg coming before blo in the alphabet). Then, naturally, being used to selecting the top address, I'd select blgospot and continually find my way to that damn other page.

If you're curious: blgospot.com.

Thing is: a site will stay on Internet Explorer's "list" so long as you've been to it in the past 2 or so weeks. So until I managed to not click on the damn blgospot link for 2 whole weeks it wouldn't disappear, and this was quite a mission. At the moment I'm currently being taunted by "metacrawler", a search engine I had to use for a Media Analysis worksheet which keeps making me type more letters to get to metacritic.com, a film/book/video game/music/tv show critics-ratings website. On a side note, I strongly recommend that site as a place to go to get a criticial consensus of something first instead of going out and buying an album from a normally-good band and discovering its a dud AFTER paying $25. Even Weezer, with their first 4 albums landing in Rolling Stone reader's 100 greatest albums of all time, managed to produce Make Believe as their fifth. This site saved me $25 right there.

Oh and note that if you clicked on the blgospot link and regularly go through the main blogspot.com home address I may have just caused you the same problem described above. Enjoy.

Did You Know?
Nickelback's most recent album sucks ass.

Actually, if you've heard any of the singles, you probably did.


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