I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Weekend: Part 2

Doing nothing tonight. At all. No work. Finally. Feels good.

Saw this on Saturday. It's a nicely shot and edited film with a compelling mystery driving what is essentially a pretty strong revenge story. I guess I was a bit meh about the revelations as to the truth; it seemed like they were trying too hard be shocking and dramatic with the whole "You slept with your daughter" "Oh! Must chop off my tongue." Okay, I oversimplified that rather unfairly. But they threw in some highly dubious hypnosis crap for good measure which pissed me off a bit so I'm just lashing out like a grumpy tantrum-throwing child.

B or 3.5 out of 5.

The Exorcism Of Emily Rose
This is a pretty good film. Or rather: a pretty good mystery/drama. It isn't a good horror film. Which is fine, because it doesn't try to simply be a horror film. It's a courtroom drama with some creepy, ominous atmosphere shit thrown in for good measure (hence the mystery/drama). But flashbacks to horror-esque exorcism stuff is stupid and not at all frightening; unlike The Exorcist, when the girl has what may or may not be moments of possession they're laughable instead of unsettling. That's the film's biggest weakness.

As a courtroom case though it's intriguing, and the main character, played by the ever-awesome Laura Linney, is a strong protagonist who demands our interest as she seeks to defend a preist charged with causing death through neglect and in the process looking into whether or not the girl he may have "killed" (inadvertantly) was possessed or if she really just suffered from a mental condition of some sort. The film does in fact balance these possibilities well. And it's all based on a true story which makes it more interesting.

A generous B- or 3 out of 5.

For the record, I was not recently kidnapped by V and converted to his cause in the fight against an oppressive fascist government. The hairdresser went overboard. I said a number 4 around the back and sides and longer on top (like... scissors on top). She does part (a), then continues shaving away all over. At the risk of ending up with one quarter of my hair short and the rest long, I said nothing, having realised too late to do anything about it. But that's okay. It's growing on me.

See what I did there?

Anyways, if you see this distinctive-looking hairdresser, my advice is avoid in case you get the same over-eager treatment.


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