I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Friday, April 07, 2006

Yesterday Sucked

"Holidays" (ie. Uni letting us work from home 24/7) start after next week right?

If So
Still got a long way to go before then myself.

Yesterday was basically: Get up. Go to Uni. Come come and work on 204 worksheet for 20mins. Go to hand out fliers at Macleans for tutoring. Come home. Food. 204 worksheet for the rest of the night. Bed. And for all of that, as Uni was a 3-hour block with no breaks, my recreation time was, to say the least, a tad low. Today I shall make up for it by doing as little as possible. Oh and great: getting the 202 assignment I misinterpreted back today. I expect a "Fail" - not a C or something, a FAIL - so anything better will make me... well, not happy, because a C still sucks, but will - when exams roll around - make me happier at knowing I only lost 12% of my total grade by fucking up the essay instead of 15-20.

But as I was saying, long way to go until then. After today's break, tomorrow morning I have some online stats test thing to do which last time was a bit of a bitch because because it takes a while doing the practice tests and looking shit up in my book and all that. Then Saturday afternoon will see me working hardout on my next Stats assignment due on Wednesday. And if that isn't enough Stats for you, I have a Stats test to prepare for on Sunday, while continuing what will no doubt be a lengthy assignment, as that test falls on Tuesday night and is worth either 10 or 20% depending on how my end-of-semester exam goes. So that means Monday and Wednesday morning will be stats studying and stats assignment work too. Then on Thursday I will no doubt have another worksheet to complete for 204. They're worth 0.8% but can still take quite a while. Then the break starts. I think. Someone please answer my question about that above...

Then What?
No idea what's happening with Simon's film though I imagine by now if there was anything I should know about for at least the first week of holidays I would, given I do of course by now have my own plans to continue to upload (no space on computer - grr...), edit and dub the mysteriously-titled My Eyes Were Clearer On Sunday, and the possibility (perhaps probability) remains of working on the Master's Exercise film for the Uni production group thing (a group which rocks by the way, or perhaps I'm just saying that because they gave me a free chocolate bunny and I started eating it but then it talked to me and I was all like: "cool, a talking chocolate rabbit" and now we're best friends and it told me to burn things). So anyways, editing should be done by the Tuesday of week one, after which time I'll be able to have a dubbing session whenever Dennis, Rikky and Sonny are free to do so. It'll probably take quite a while so I'll see if I can organise a day when everyone's free for a few hours as I have no idea how long this process takes. Dennis?

But yeah, the "then what?" as applied to the whole holiday is one which must be addressed. When I opened this entry by rephrasing the word 'holiday' as "Uni letting us work from home 24/7", that's essentially the "then what?" These holidays will basically be lots of uni work. Lots and lots of uni work. With bits of blogging, editing, dubbing, reading and writing (not to mention the occasional movie of course) thrown in for good measure. But yeah. Not much of a break until exams are over. And I still have to worry about my three stats assessments of various sorts in five days first.

Took out a couple of books on writing short films and writing... fantasy films??? The last one's more to address a specific idea I have for a film, but I think it could be helpful in general as fantasy is of course a wide topic that includes stuff like Big and in many ways is just an extension of any other genre into a more imaginitive context. What films don't delve into some degree of fantasy, whether it be the optimistic or pessimistic kinds or a mixture of the two?

Anyways, I'm up to the much built-up 'holy grail' of Julian Young's The Death Of God And The Meaning Of Life, his fifteenth and concluding chapter in which he discusses Later Heidegger. Can Later Heidegger defeat the 'nausea' of meaningless of the first and fourth parts of Sartre's Being And Nothingess which has thus far reigned supreme over the flimsy and inconsequential points of view of the uninteresting Foucault and the showy-but-philosophically-empty Derrida? Perhaps. I shall find out today.

But yeah, Derrida made my head hurt. Young makes all the confusing babble of various philosophers' writings very accessible so the book is very good and well worth the read for anyone after some basic insight into the major significant developments of philosophies on life since Plato, but I guess Derrida's tying so hard to sound smart that even just using his terminology is confusing and weird.

I woke up today feeling compelled to encourage people to broaden their horizons by having them learn the names of some Jamaican towns, allowing you, the blog-reader, to know which part of the island you're on if you ever get washed up on shore with no memory and no-one speaks English and all they can tell you is the name of the town but then someone tries to mug you and you realise you have awesome fighting skills and may or may not be called Jason Bourne. And then you realise you could speak Jamaican afterall because you're Jason Bourne. And then you realise because you're Jason Bourne that you actually got washed up in France.


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