I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Post That Ends With Tim Burton

Test tonight. Argh. Eeek. Wish me luck. Or not, because it won't actually empower me with the answers to questions that I simply don't know. Luck's actually pretty useless.

Dennis Wins
Yesterday I listened to some Led Zeppelin & Pink Floyd in an effort to determine who I liked more. I watched Prison Break instead of going to stats. Went to my 204 tutorial. Watched Boston Legal.

On the other hand, yesterday Dennis did this.

Indeed it would seem that Dennis had the better day. Oh how I must become involved in one of these short film projects in some way. It's like... enlightenment and gaining of contacts all rolled into one giant ball rolling around inside an 80s-era house. And fun and newlyness if newlyness is a word. Hmm. Next time the email says they want people with a license I'm replying anyway in case other shit pops up like set-work.



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