I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Lost... My Temper

Argh! Lost! Why must you test my patience so? First six episodes cover like... 2 days? And now a freakin' recap episode???

When will SOMETHING HAPPEN? When will characters stop being so NEGLECTED FOR 18 EPISODES AT A TIME? When will everything fit smoothly together into each individual episode LIKE LAST YEAR? Why did I caps THOSE LAST 3 WORDS of the PREVIOUS SENTENCE when there was no reason FOR EMPHASIS? When will they stop speaking like they do in geeky sci-fi shows: "they" "them" "the others"... stupidstupidstupid... and a further related annoyance that pops up for me every few episodes: how about having characters ask the obvious questions we want to know the answers to that they seemingly *should* want to ask given their situation - it's a cheap way to draw stuff out, the way things are at the moment. Grr. I mean stuff like when Sawyer and co. met the tail-end people and the tail-enders knew more about the others than they did and yet this information was, for no apparent reason, not demanded of them. Etc.

And when will they realise they have a chance to not be so damn conventional here with this thing and... drumroll... actually get away with it? The show's established a fanbase, so the risk isn't high and this type of show is perfect for something a little 'different.' Maybe they should watch a bit of Twin Peaks and be inspired to break some new ground.

I don't know. I began watching Lost seeing huge potential. Now I'm just watching it slip away.

The Simpsons Movie
Yes, there is a Simpsons movie. Teaser Trailer.


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