I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Black & White

Colour Me Cunning
It was quite an effort but I've convinced my gore-hating Mum that Saw is worth watching for its twists and turns and thrills and... actually that's pretty much it. The rest really is gore. But those first three elements are in it too. A bit. Oh and there's Danny Glover and that chick who does the funny facial expressions when she's stifling a smile on Boston Legal. Will report back tomorrow with what she thinks of it. Hopefully this will lead to a family viewing of Saw 2 in the near future where we can collectively gasp as a girl is pushed into a pit full of syringes. Moments like these bring families together.

Colour Me Slow
Bravo, Mr. Liu. Bravo. It took me a while. In my defense I didn't realise what the date was until I remembered why Nick and Raymond wanted the company accounts done by today, nor did the "click"ing occur until the thought crossed my mind of sending them false ones as a certain well-timed joke. I'm usually smarter than this. Actually that's not true. But if I frequently employ rather superflous extensively-lettered wording patterns within the realms of these and other such sentence bounds, then the being-for-itself, as Satre would say, typing this period-ended passage may come across as being of a higher level of intelligence than one might otherwise assume if one were to make my more familiar acquanitance, thus conveying an effective illusion which perhaps fulfills my aforementioned intentions.

This is me for writing that last part.

I need to put in Googles that aren't just animals all the time, even if they're relevant, critiquing-through-mere-existance animals. Unless they're the funny ambiguous "what the fuck is that?" kind of animal. I could maybe post some food. Or a machine. Has to be weird though.


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