I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Monday, April 03, 2006

Weekend: Part 1

IMDB Movie Of The Day
For the last three days it's been the Twin Peaks pilot. Yay. Looking at its rating (8.6, on par with film ratings for a Top 30 movie), I'm not surprised. Watch this series. Now. Download it. Go to the Uni AV Library. Borrow it. Something. Television has never been this good before nor has it been matched since. I feel it never will be.

V For Vendetta
This has surprisingly moved UP to an 8.2/10 from 8.1 yesterday, proving its not just highly rated because Wachowski fans inflated it with lots of 10 votes early. See this too. Now. On the big-screen while you still can. It's even better the second time around too.

Saw (second viewing)
Saw is a cheap movie. It was made for $1.2m, and it feels like the budget is reflected in every aspect from acting to characterisation to story (Danny Glover's character is so superficial and poorly-developed in his "obsession" that its absurd). But I feel that what the film does here is actually what it has to in order to be the film it needs to be: it ignores the shit you don't want to see so it can get to the "good stuff." Bring on the blood. The traps. The ominous feelings. The ending is gimmicky but FREAKING HELL I didn't care; this is one of the best gimmicky twists ever. It's not a revelation that suddenly surfaces about things that have happened before it; it's more of a twist making you realise that the sicko killer is "cooler" in his role as the villain than before and I loved it both times I've seen the movie (on Saturday I only remembered the twist in part, and I couldn't see what impressed me about it; then when I saw it again I went: Oooooh right! Awesome!). I love the idea too that the killer has never killed anyone, he figures out ways to kill themselves (the motive is to make people appreciate their lives more if they manage to get out - all the victims have been wasting their lives in some way, or doing something that might be "frowned upon") even though this too is obviously just a gimmick to drive the film towards more gore. Sometimes gimmicky movies are a whole lot of fun. This isn't a great movie by any stretch of the imagination. It probably doesn't even deserve the grade I'm giving it. But I'm giving it a B- like I did the first time. Watch it and you might see why a film that doesn't even try to avoid falling short with regards to so many cinematic elements is still this fucking enjoyable. It's fun just to get grossed out sometimes. Some films affect you emotionally. Some affect your appetite. Who's to say which is the greater achievement? :p

Also Saw, But Not "Saw"
Also saw Emily Rose and Oldboy on Saturday. Find out if they suck or not in Part 2....



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