I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Monday, March 27, 2006

V For Vendetta...Opens Thursday

Hard Week Of Uni
Last week was the busiest its been for me at Uni outside of exam time. Argh! I thought taking 4 subjects was going to make life easy this semester, especially as the 4 include Stats and Macroeconomics, both still stage one courses (gotta love the lag of a conjoint). Turns out the stage two Arts ones are enough to keep me occupied... then I have an Econ test this comng Wednesday to *start* studying for. Worse yet, after skipping my lectures to work on my essay for Hollywood & Its Others it still sucked, still went way over the word limit and barely had any relevance at all to anything; I'm quite sure my main point in fact rested on the film supposedly doing something it didn't really do. Oh dear.

Final Week Of Card
Took yesterday off from Uni-related matters and watched shitloads of free movies while I still could (ends on Friday). Here's an update of movies I've seen recently and their grades:

The Pink Panther D+
(mildly amusing at points, stupid, you can see most jokes before they happen, dumb)
Four Brothers B-
(saw it a second time on DVD; good movie, really well-worked ending, still think the "Mum flashbacks" are cringe-worthy in their sentimental over-happy feel... they feel out of place though I can see what they were going for. recommended rental)
Lord Of War B
(entertaining flick about a major arms dealer, his rise, and his fall in his personal life as a cost of what he does; was I supposed to end up not liking Cage's character? because I did, and it all ended up feeling a tad like the journey of the film was to "Destination: Care For What's Happening In The World")
Underworld: Evolution F
(oh dear god... an incredibly boring waste of time about all sorts of nonsense featuring a main villain who looks like what he is: a guy in a costume. nothing of interest happens and I would have walked out but had to see if the ending or anything after the first hour would somehow redeem it ever so slightly, like K-19)
The Weatherman B-
(very strong B-, almost as good as Lord Of War; this movie's a solid down-to-earth dramedy where things don't all turn out all happy and typically Hollywood for the lead character, and the movie is more fulfilling for it)

One of the best episodes of anything ever:


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