I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Saturday, March 18, 2006

English people are leading in the triathlon

Things to do:
Stats online test (worth 1%) DONE as of an hour ago; due Monday. Got 100% because I kick ass.
Media Analysis assignment (worth 4%) will do tomorrow; due Wednesday
Hollywood assignment (worth ?) will do this week; due Friday
Economics test (worth ?) will study for next weekend; test on Monday-week
Stats assignment (worth 4%) will do next weekend also; due Wednesday-week

New Zealand won the Sevens last night
The problem with my adherence to this subtitle-implementing blog format is that I occassionally say what I need to in the subtitle itself and have little else to ramble on about underneath it. In this case I did quite well though in the previous sentence. To further lengthen this paragraph, the score was 29-21, and was New Zealand's second gold medal at the commonwealth games. I might also add that this is one of the few events where the winners are the best in the world, given that perennial athletic giants like the United States and North Korea can't compete because they are run by ruthless dictatorships instead of the Queen.

A History Of Violence is violent, not very historical
In irrelevant news, the traithlon is on TV right now and it's very close during the first half of the cycling (middle) stage.

I thought A History Of Violence was really compelling for the first hour but once the truth comes to light the last half-hour is kind of... simple. Oh and violent of course.

I admit, as a warning, that this movie is graphic in everything it does (and Cronenberg was quite right in taking the approach because it's effective), but if you don't like that it's because you're a wuss so I don't really care if you watch it and are all shocked and taken aback. Know why movie restrictions stop at R18? Because when you're 18 the law says you should be able to handle anything, and if you can't deal with this film I think there should be a system in place whereby such people have their ages legally wound back a few years. At 18 you can suddenly do all sorts of crazy shit, and if you can't handle fiction then what the hell are you doing being given responsibility in the real world?

B or 3.5 out of 5

Question: How does William Hurt get a supporting actor nomination at the Oscars when he's in the movie for about 4 minutes? It's a cameo if anything. Val Kilmer was miles better in Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang which you have just been reminded by this sentence to rent.



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