I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Sunday, March 12, 2006


Wow. Yesterday my blog hit an all-time low of... 4 visitors and the first thing I did this morning when I came to realise this fact was look at the entries on the main page. No wonder. What happened? Has the enthusiasm of this blog's early days faded away? Has splitting time between this and writing up the occasional piece for I Love Lamp lead to an anemic bleeding of creative juices, leaving nothing but dry, cold, unattractive movie reviews as the only things worth writing about here? Man. Uni's started, and I've barely written a thing on it. What's more, I used to post like... twice a day. Now it's more like three times a week. Argh. For those of you who are still here, I apologise. I think the slump in quality seems to have began in mid-February. It shall end here.


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