I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Keanu Reeves As An Englishman? Coppola Says "Yes"

Editing is going okay I guess. By not planning my shots before the film and now editing what I'm stuck with, it's been a great way to gauge both what extent of shot planning I need when I set out to do something more carefully organised and less spontaneous, and at the same time has given me an idea of how better to shoot angles through the extent of how well those that I have do or do not connect with each other smoothly. Some of the cuts in my film are going to look choppy and awful. Meh :p

Saw Bram Stoker's Dracula on Prime last night. I love it and hated it in parts. Will elaborate more upon this later as it's a Francis Ford Coppola film and as such I have much to say.

My next film will be After The Zombies, a z-movie about the final two survivors out of an originally-large group of uni students who have been trapped in the library basement for 200 days after zombies took over the world while they were taking an exam.


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