I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Friday, May 12, 2006

Movie Stuff

Pump It "by" the Black Eyed Peas pisses me off more than any other Black Eyes Peas song, and they all piss me off. It's such an awful butchering of the song at the start of Pulp Fiction that I may never view what was once a great-for-mood credits sequence the same way again.

So here's a new trailer for Click starring Adam Sandler, where he has a remote control that can control things in real life - ie. rip-off of a Paul Jennings story.

And a full trailer for Miami Vice which isn't as good as the awesome teaser, but is still good to some extent. The extent being everything up until actuallty selling a story or having some hook, as it basically just sells "coolness" at the moment. But still, its Michael Mann. And he rocks.

And one for M. Night Shyamalan's Lady In The Water.

And a new one for the Pixar movie Cars.

And lastly decent a SUPERMAN RETURNS TV SPOT which shows very little new stuff unless you freeze-frame it, though at one point it looks like Kevin Spacey maybe stabs Superman in the back or something???

If they don't work but you have iTunes, download the iPod one and play it in there. Some good stuff coming out over the next few months it seems. w00t.


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