I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Friday, May 12, 2006

The Last Season Of The Practice Is Back

Denny Crane
Do you watch Boston Legal? Of course not, because its too awesome a show to actually get watched by anyone, and will probably get cancelled soon because of it. But if you do, or if you ever used to like The Practice and want to see how it ends: THE SECOND GREATEST SEASON OF ANYTHING EVER has begun re-screening on TV3 at 11:15 at night on WEDNESDAY - the final season of The Practice. I never saw the show before the final year, and I saw about a dozen or so episodes of this awesome season of television before TV3 yanked it and replaced it with some reality TV crap. But now its back, and you can see for yourself how great it is, and I can finally see how the season finishes. Oh and we get to see the first appearence of Denny Crane in episode 17ish (who therefore hadn't shown up yet when TV3 pulled the show from the air) and a couple of other characters from Boston Legal who have now, thankfully, left (the show is awesomer for it in season 2). Watch. Compulsory viewing. At least tape it or something.

On TV.com they're advertising EXPANDED season finales in the U.S. tonight for My Name Is Earl (meh) and... The OFFICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Expanded Office???? Ooooh. Everything Office makes me go oooooooh, but this is an uber-oooooooooh. I'll take every extra minute I can get.

For 204 last week we had to do a music video assignment. I did mine of Madonna's American Life because we looked at it in the workshop and half the work was therefore already done for me. I'm lazy like that. BUT the original cut of the video was actually different and all controversial and stuff so the one we saw was the TAME version.

Full story at Wikipedia as to what happened.

And the one you might catch on C4 once in a while.

And the other one that makes you see why they pulled it, and makes you sad that they did.


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