I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Three Days Later

Finished the first cut of my random movie today, it's 9 minutes and 27 seconds long. That's a long time to drag out a pointless conversation, geesh...

This running time basically consists of:
Intro sequence = 29 secs
Things actually in the script = 7 min 25 secs
Final unmoving shot where nothing happens as if leading up to something, only for the film to suddenly end = 1 min 33 secs

Overall, while I still need to fix some stuff up tomorrow and record the voice-over dubbing this weekend and maybe some additional sound stuff next week, it's about on par with my expectations. Which means it sucks. But no worse than anticipated, so I did okay. My constant aim shall be to never make a movie as bad as my most recent movie at any given point in time, a round-about way of saying that I aim to keep improving, so at the moment it shouldn't be hard to fulfill that wish with movie number two.

Movies I've Seen Recently
Fire Walk With Me (D+) - This being a David Lynch-directed prequel to my favourite TV show of all-time...how could it have gone so wrong?
28 Days Later (C-) - Starts really well, disintegrates into rubbish by the third act.
Cinema Paradiso: Director's Cut (B+) - Need to see it again maybe, really enjoyed it, but this IS NOT Life Is Beautiful by a long shot.
Ghost World (B) - Good movie; didn't blow me away but was thoroughly enjoyable, clever, had good characters.
Evil Dead 2 (C-) - Stupid and bad... and it knows it. Fun movie.
The Godfather (A) - My 5th favourite film, though this viewing confirmed that its not as good as Part II.
The Elephant Man (B) - Really solid drama that just seemed a teeny bit without a point thetmatically beyond a superficial "here's the Elephant Man, here he gets abused, these other guys are understanding, sympathise", has a strong and somewhat moving ending, interesting to see a few of Lynch's Eraserhead-like weirdness thrown into the start and finish to bookend an otherwise mainstream-ish drama.

Mission: Impossible III DOES INDEED KICK ASS
I said that a while back when I was just going by the people involved and the teaser trailer. Now it's all but confirmed. AICN's Harry Knowles is calling it better than True Lies, the film he believed previously kicked all other popcorn action flicks asses. Wow. Read that review. It sounds incredible. Seriously.

The best modern pop spy film… movies with gadgets and impossible stunts… James Cameron’s TRUE LIES reigns supreme… or shall I say reigned supreme. J.J. Abrams… first time feature film director has just launched into the stratosphere of badass holy shit watch him go directors. On top of that… That trailer you’ve seen. That little tingle you get from Phillip Seymour Hoffman when he talks about hunting down and hurting the woman that Ethan Hunt cares about… YOU’VE NO IDEA.

If you’ve been a fan of ALIAS or LOST and you’re dying to see what J.J. can do with the big toys, you’re going to be blown away. The difference between this film and his television work is just amazing.

(on True Lies):
Had scene after scene not been hit with jokes throughout… well, it would have been amazing. It would have been… MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 3.


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