I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Another Impersonal Post

Spam Loves Me
Or so says my tagboard. I love you too, Spam.

Mulholland Drive
It took a year and a half of looking and $41.01 but I finally have a region 2/4 copy of Mulholland Drive. Yay.

This is what it looks like. The end.

Boondock Saints
In the late nineties Harvey Weinstein read a script by a man called Troy Duffy, loved it, paid him $1million and gave him the backing he needed to make a movie called Boondock Saints. The media swarmed around Mr. Duffy, citing him as the next Tarantino, and Duffy let it go to his head. He decided he was above his friends and family who he proceeded to neglect and forget, and soon turned into a big-headed jackass and a two-faced liar who badmouthed Weinstein behind his back. You don't get away with that shit in Hollywood. Weinstein, legally commited to funding the movie, slashed the budget, the stars fled and Saints was made for a small sum, was released to negative reviews and Duffy was never heard from again; left with no dignity, no friends, and just a pile of money he quickly wasted. And so Troy Duffy's story comes to a close. Oh yeah, and Boondock Saints is now a cult classic somehow since its DVD release, earning a 7.7 on IMDB.

The movie itself? It's entertaining, but it's also lazy rubbish. It's one of those films where people say "fuck" all the time because its the only way the writer can get the dialogue and story to flow. I generally like the type of movie it was trying to be genre-wise etc., so even as a failure I guess I didn't hate it all that much, and there were some nice elements to it even if it became increasingly repetitive and nonsensicle. Overall, I'd give it a

D+ or 1.5 out of 5. If you like violent Ritchie/Tarantino crime flicks, you might agree. If you aren't a big fan of either director's work, you'll hate it more than I did, I guarantee it.

Oh yeah, and the DVD says that "with Pulp Fiction-esque humour and Reservoir Dogs type justice, The Boondock Saints is the film Quentin Tarantion could have made." Whoever wrote this clearly didn't unlock the vast majority of Pulp Fiction's humour, which is so different from anything in the largely humourless Boondock Saints that a comparison is laughable. And no, Tarantino could not have made a film like this, because Tarantino's films don't suck. They're violent but not mindless. They make sense. The dialogue is fresh and original; sure they'll say "fuck" but it'll be after some witty comment about hash bars in Amsterdam. Oh and they actually have humour, they don't just claim it on their DVD blurbs.


  • At 6:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This was actually a really well done movie, people that dont allow the film to develop or are extremely picky about movies and hate everything wont like this movie. However if you do enjoy movies with plenty of violence and a pretty original story line, i believe you will enjoy this movie as much as i did. If u hated this movie, go watch some disney films you jerks!


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