I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Choose To Accept This Mission

Mission: Impossible III
Very good movie, and pretty much everything you could want from a popcorn action-thriller. My full informal review of sorts here. Though I'll add: had a few problems with the very end of the movie, maybe the last 15 minutes or around that. Mainly that the demise of a certain character which is rather anticlimatic. Oh and they repeat something seen in an episode of Lost, right down to how its "resolved." Being more specific would give things away that you don't want to know if you haven't seen it yet. But yeah. Oh and if you've read the Weekend Herald review that came out today, a source I normally disagree with on every movie on a weekly basis except when it comes to blockbusters which I randomly seem to agree with 99% of the time, they summed it up pretty well actually.

Overall, after thinking on it for a couple of days: a strong B or 3.5 out of 5. B+ would be if it had finished a bit better; its a messy route to an overly neat conclusion. This type of movie would struggle to get a higher grade than a B+ in my book just because of it being a spy action-thriller with little purpose other than to entertain, so to almost get that means M:I:III is about as good as what anyone going to see a Mission: Impossible movie can reasonably expect. Main strengths: maintains top-notch action and suspense for a full two hours, the opening scene (which we revisit later in the film), the whole cast, attempt at focusing on Cruise's character beyond just "I'm a hero in typical Hollywood situations", minimal use of those bloody face masks except when absolutely necessary, and a run-of-the-mill twist but executed in a really great way (at least for me because I was easily fooled; some might see it coming as with any twist). Probably more too. Highly recommended.


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