I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Dumb Aussies

204 Is Over And Done With
For now. Not looking forward to doing the final draft (worth another 30-fucking-percent) after 48 hours weekend. WHICH IS ONE WEEK AWAY. w00t. For those unfamiliar, we get told a genre, a character, a prop that must be used, and then we have 48 hours to make a 4-7 minute film out of it. And Peter Jackson may or may not be one of the judges in the final round or something. Oooooh.

Australia is a song by the Manic Street Preachers. It is also a country with FUCKED UP copyright laws in relation to recording stuff from TV onto a VCR. Perhaps the most FUCKED UP aspect of it all is the fact that, other than being stupid laws, they're also unenforcable ones. Go Aussie.

From: http://blogs.smh.com.au/mashup/archives//004567.html

"Australia is finally reforming its backwards copyright law, which made it illegal to record shows off the TV and radio, and to rip CDs for personal playback. However, in the process, they proposed a new law that is even more backwards -- one that prohibits watching your recorded shows more than once, one that doesn't allow you to make backups of your CDs, and that doesn't let you loan them to friends.

<<<Does this mean I can record my favourite television or radio program to enjoy later?
Yes. For the first time you will be able to record most television or radio program at home to enjoy at a later time. This will allow you to watch or listen to a program as it was made available to the public at the time of the original broadcast.

How long can I keep the recording?
The recording must be deleted after one use. It will not be possible to use the recording over and over again.

Can I make a collection of copied television and radio programs?
No. You will not be able to burn a collection (or library) of your favourite programs on DVD or CD to keep. (It will be permitted to record a program on DVD or CD but only temporarily until you watch or listen to it for the first time.)

What can I do with recorded program?
You can watch or listen to the recording with your family or friends. It will not be permitted to sell or hire a recording or to play it at school or work or in any kind of public audience.

Can I give a recording I have made to a friend?
No. A recording is for the personal use of the person who made it. You can invite a friend over to watch or listen to your recording but you can't lend or give it to a friend to take home with them.>>>



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