I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Saturday, February 25, 2006

There is a man...

I've been trying to get myself used to editing so I made a teaser trailer for my short film ahead of tackling the task of editing the film itself. As it's a teaser it is designed to intrigue and/or incite interest in the film itself as opposed to showing you what the movie is specifically about.

Download it HERE or die (right click and SAVE TARGET AS).

For those of you present at the film shoot or familiar with the story outline of my short film, this trailer will strike you as odd if it doesn't anyway due to the fact that the movie itself is a lighthearted absurd people-having-a-conversation type scenario, and this is somewhat... not reflected here. Meh. Just thought a mysterious approach to the teaser was cool, so there. Enjoy. Give me feedback. Watch Boston Legal on Tuesday. Au revoir.


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