I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Girl at counter / Movie Advertisers think I'm gay

Gold Card 2?
Entering my Oscar predictions for the Village competition tonight, just polished off some final research. Am very sure on at least 9 categories out of 16, so should be able to get a similar score to the 13 I got right last year. If I win it again, I think next year I'll find an online betting thing and put money on most categories :p As I probably won't win again, I won't get my hopes up.

The competition is on the Village website. If you enter, I advise against the following and say nothing more until it closes:

William Hurt for Supporting Actor
Judi Dench for Actress
Syriana for Original Screenplay
Batman Begins for Cinematography

Watched Some More Movies, No Surprise There
Hostel... is pretty good actually. Gory movie. Lots of gratuitous nudity and violence. So what? It's that type of movie. Eli Roth (director) is awesome, and I look forward to what he does in future.

C+ or 2.5 out of 5.

Also watched Brokeback Mountain. This movie is great, and I don't mind now if it beats Munich on Sunday because they're both terrific. It's quite a minimalistic movie and what really made this film so impressive was the complete control in crafting what it did mainly through subtle actions and seemingly insignificant moments and... I'll end up rambling off an incoherent list, so basically it's a film "at that level" above your typical forced-action dialogue-driven conventional hoo-hah that Hollywood normally pumps out. It's a film that achieves what it achieves in a gradual, calculated manner, and that in my eyes is a mark of a truly competent creative team behind a film in that they knew exactly what they wanted to do and how to do it / get there over a two-hour plus timespan within which to tell said story. That was rushed, and as such awkwardly written. My review I mean. Not the movie. These last 3 sentences exemplify this.

That said, and while I found few flaws (an occasional "hmm..."-edit especially in the first "part" aside), I just wasn't WOWed enough to give it an A. I guess I just didn't leave the theatre in tears so to speak (then again, the only time I have was when I saw Return Of The King and that was because I forgot to take a leak before it started...the pain...). It's an

A- or 4.5 out of 5.

Would have said more but low on time. Watch Brokeback Mountain, it's great.

Oh yeah, and when I asked for the ticket the girl gave me a distinctive and very much purposeful "funny look". Seriously. I was shocked. I guess she expects only talking animals to buy tickets for Ice Age 2.

Also, one last related thing I just remembered: first trailer they played was exactly the one I predicted and I almost laughed when it actually came up straight after the commercials - Kinky Boots (which predominantly features a drag queen).

What's with the narrow view on who watches certain types of movies??? Can't a film student be interested in a Best Picture nominee and hold onto his sexual orientation at the same time???


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