I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Merry Christmas

In Advance
Because I probably won't blog on the day, and it's less redundant before than after.

Cheers Dennis, 'tis awesome :D

Radiohead Are The Greatest Band In The World
Back in the day a lot of someday-great artists would first emerge with one crappy album and then quite suddenly transform into legends with subsequent releases (Bob Dylan and Gabriel-era Genesis come to mind), perhaps sparking those age-old selling-your-soul-to-the-devil rumours that have long hung over the heads of rock stars. Well in the case of Led Zeppelin such rumours probably circulated because Jimmy Page worshipped Satan and Stairway To Heaven had evil backwards messages, or so Republicans will inform you. Well in the early 1990s Radiohead released Pablo Honey. It remains their biggest selling record to date (why The Bends wasn't a mainstream blockbuster I still don't know). It featured Creep. It sucked ass. The rest is history. They're a band now so far beyond mediocrity that I cannot imagine them releasing anything less than a great record given when they're at. Dylan went bad for years and years at a time. Twice. Even Zeppelin burned out. Floyd broke up (well Waters left, he was the "creative genius" according to his latest concert posters around the city). Radiohead meanwhile seem like they're still just warming up. And they may well be the best band ever. Not just now. Ever.

The band hasn't topped OK Computer since its release nine years ago but I would argue that their sound has constantly been improving with every album since, and it now appears they've finally found their feet and are on the verge of releasing an album in 2007 which finally sees their immense creativity catch up to the lofty heights of the band's sonic ambitions that have been fairly evident since their risky transformation on Kid A in 2000. With a few days to go before Christmas, why not pass some time listening to these recent live cuts, courtesy of Dutch site lders.nl. I think this album might well surpass OK Computer. Seriously. And if not, it'll beat The Bends at any rate.

All I Need has a sublime, simple backing piano tune you'll listen to a few times then wonder why no-one ever thought of it before (ie. the instant-classic effect), House Of Cards is the closest Radiohead's sounded to U2, Videotape reminds any doubters why they're lightyears ahead of Coldplay and 15 Step combines the band's Hail To The Thief embracing of hip-hop beats with the rock sensibilities of OK Computer to essentially produce Paranoid Android on an acid-trip in Jamaica. Then there's Arpeggi. If this music doesn't change your life, you suck. Buy this album when it's out unless you never plan to buy another album again, because you cannot possibly justify buying something else over this once it hits the shelves. And to think there might even be other better songs they haven't played live yet.

House Of Cards
All I Need
Open Pick
4 Minute Warning
15 Step
Down Is The New Up
Go Slowly
Bangers And Mash

Some files are of a better quality than others, but all are good for bootlegs. Let me know if the links don't work, or just explore the site for these titles yourself (June 8th has great quality tracks and 8 of the above songs can be found there).


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