I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Last Night/This Morning

U2 was great. It's just awesome *being there* for the whole experience of it all versus just watching it on TV. Well duh, or else people wouldn't go. But I thought I'd reiterate it because I couldn't just stop at "U2 was great" could I? Maybe I didn't need to, because now more elaborate details are coming to mind as I gaze back upon days past.

Kanye West opened and succeeded in creating a long food/toilet queue of old people who felt their ears had been poisioned judging by the way they all flooded off during his set or (being old and unable to move) sat complaining. Regardless of his big-headed reputation I admit he can comfortably claim the crown of the most credible and talented hip-hop aritst out there today (given Outkast's Idlewild, but they'll bounce back) because his music was certianly a cut above, consistent with my impressions of him before, and having heard some of his stuff only for the first time (only knew the radio/video singles) I'm interested in checking out his albums. Really good beats, lyrics with meaning (not "Smack That" or "Right Thurrrrrrrghgjghjlll") and his apparent obsession for mini-orchestral-accompaniment made for some interesting (in a good way) music.

U2 just kicked ass. Awesome set from across their career, excluding their "techno-influenced" era (Pop etc.) which wasn't really missed. Bono's great, voice maybe a little tired at the end but only because he gave it his all the whole time. Plugged a lot of his Africa-concern stuff and the band made an effort to throw in Kiwi-isms on the big screen (like a poker machine featuring Helen Clarke or something... I was confused too) and lyrically throughout the set (including a random Crowded House interlude, and Bono changing a verse of Beautiful Day to be NZ-relevant, which he did awesomely :D ). Plus they played One Tree Hill. Of course.

Almost forgot: there was this old guy in front of his who, to every song he stood up for, he JIGGLED. When I say jiggle, I mean forget moving to the rhythm. Imagine the hand of a guy with Parkinson's. Now imagine that hand was a chubby old guy. Alternatively, you know that avatar lots of people have on random forums...

And Then
Dennys. But more interestingly, we discovered upon Michael's shelf The Well Cat Book, about caring for your cat, featuring a chapter on "Prolapsed Third Eyelid" and a passage beginning "don't get excited if your cat has something stuck in its mouth." At 2 o'clock this morning, these things were hilarious of course.

And Then
We made up a game that actually worked... until the end. Michael had some tiny bricks so the aim of the game was to stack bricks. You win bricks by either (a) rolling a 1 or a 6 (if you roll a 1, you get a brick but you have to stack it using your teeth) or (b) challenging someone (whoever gets the higher number on the dice wins - the challenger wins the opponent's brick or the defender win's the challenger's "challenge thingee" - ie. a plastic nought or cross, each possessed allowing the player 1 challenge of an opponent). In the end we actually managed to eliminate people, but in the end when there was just me and Michael we realised that the odds of the game being won were extremely slim (I was losing, but would still have to lose 4 straight challenges to lose) so we called it a draw. Does the game sound dumb? Did at the time too it just didn't matter because between us we were either too drunk (on a hard mix of cordial and vanilla essencel) or too tired to care. Janko was already asleep, face down in a weird angle looking slightly dead. Possibly bleeding from the mouth and convulsing, but I might have just made that up. Either way he slept it off.


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