I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Reasons To Check My E-Mail More Frequently

And Turn My Phone Off 'Vibrate'
A whole bunch of film stuff seems to have whizzed by that I missed (well, very little of it was of interest anyway, but that get-together thing on Monday or yesterday or whenever might have been good just to wind down a bit) and Chris's party's on... right now. Which I'd be at:
(a) If I'd bothered checking my e-mail since (apparently) November 4th.
(b) If my phone wasn't on vibrate. I do that so it doesn't go off during lectures. Still can't remember how to turn the sound back on to be honest. Been meaning to look into that. Anyways, with my phone upstairs and my me downstairs I got Chris's message about four hours after it was sent, ie. 5:15ish today so no luck there. Plus I've already put off doing the company accounts by a day and a bit so it didn't really matter by that stage. Shit needs to get done. Blogging is just a distraction between receipt entries because its mind-numblingly monotonous (contract by contract for everyone who hired a book...). Which brings me to:
(c) If I wasn't such a procrastinator.

Brings Me To Another Point
I've found that G-Mail takes forever to load on my (56k) connection, so I load it in HTML mode. Problem is I no longer seem able to scroll down when I do that.

This Post Was Uninteresting
Now multiply that by 127 and that's how uninteresting these accounts are. Yay. Much better than hanging out with friends for the night at the end of yet another boring day of nothingness. w00tageness.

Who doesn't want to see Romania tackle Namibia at Carlaw Park as is come 2011? Fuck development. All you need's a ball, a ref and a couple of high-power rifles.


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