I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Friday, November 24, 2006

U2 Today

Yet I'm Still Awaiting...
Confirmation as to where/when/what/why/who/how/chicken. Phone remains still and silent, like some creepy evil stalker thing, or Robert Altman. R.I.P. Robert Altman. I've never seen your movies.

But I Have Seen
An alien in my fridge. Oh and This Is Spinal Tap again. Like my recent re-watching of Brazil, it's a movie that's lost something over multiple viewings, proving it isn't completely mind-blowingly awesome. Unlike Apocalypse Now which has grown better on each of my seven viewings so far. On a remotely related note, 12 Angry Men remains at the top of my list to see and/or buy (as it has for 6 months or so) yet continues to elude the grasp of my rather graspy eyeballs. I saw it once for sale at Whitcoulls last year, but haven't seen it anywhere since, and incredibly:
It ISN'T IN THE AV LIBRARY???!!!1oneone

Bye Bye Rikky
We will miss you for two months and then forget about you so hurry back.

Uni Grades
Are slowly trickling in. I've picked up my mandatory one-A+-per-semester in Stats 208, joining the consecutive string of Philosophy 101, Film 101 and Stats 108 A+s in the three previous semesters. Only Stats 108 was expected out of the four, and I thought I'd get maybe a B+ or A- in 208 so that's a nice surprise. Also, I stopped taking notes for the entire second half of Accounting 211 this semester to instead listen to my iPod and doodle script ideas and my exam study consisted of a day's cramming and I got an A-. Haha. This is fucked up. I love how I can basically put no effort into commerce subjects and still kick ass. Easiest degree ever. Needs to be seeing as the Arts side of my conjoint actually does require effort to achieve understanding/learning/good grades/chicken.

Also got my Creative Writing mark back. I have to say that of all the subjects I've done, I've grown the most and learned the most in that course. I basically made my portfolio a retrospective character study across the ten or so submitted poems and stories etc., which ultimately meant better, more focussed writing when I knew what I was aiming to say which each story/poem in terms of the portfolio as a whole. Until I decided to make the combined portfolio a single piece (like a concept album, or some lego) I was writing airy fairy drivelly poems and meaningless pretentious bullshit stories and... well actually the script was always okay. I can handle that side of things.

A couple of weaker pieces just to direct the wider "narrative" of the character study were thrown in so it made more sense, but overall I'm pretty proud of the end result and I think I can definitely apply my growth in creative writing to screenwriting in the future because of what the course taught me across the board in terms of character development, freshness and originality (spontaneous writing exercises led to some interesting results I wouldn't have come up with otherwise, like a three-act short script written in 25 minutes that actually kind-of half worked), different approaches to exploring a narrative/character/chicken, and of course, through feedback, a sense of audience response. Because early on I was writing stuff that sounded good in my head but was, in fact, in hindsight and in the sight of my tutor, bollocks. Now I can spot that better myself, especially with my cool 3D glasses.

The Departed
Another movie I rave on about for months before anyone else is remotely interested in it and that I'm the last to see apparently. Cheers :(


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