I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Three Exams Down

Four Days To Go
Surviving maths study on a diet of Pixies, Queen and Entourage. Thank you, Entourage, for not sucking like so many shows that are pissing me off right now.

Filming Prep For The Holidays
Eleven days left to complete a draft of my short noir-satire script I've been at on and off since March last year - one thread of the story's looking great, exactly as I imagined when I got hooked on the idea... the other not so much, probably because it doesn't interest me as much even if *at the moment* I see it as a necessity to get the story from the start I love to the finish I love. As long as I have "an arc" on paper by November 13th I'll be happy. And won't have to pay Sonny $50. But in the long run I want the sub-arc to be as good as the one following the main protagonist or I won't shoot it.

The first thing I'll probably shoot, maybe at the start of December and tentatively titled I Am The Lemontree, is on track scriptwise, doesn't really need immediate revision beyond taking the segments I've scribbled in different notebooks and compiling them into a single screenplay. After that, time to go through some test shots and storyboarding and then looking for my cast of two (thankfully our-age people, thus I can realistically shoot this unlike most of my discarded ideas).

I've pretty much put another idea on hiatus for now, which was a very-short surreal piece depicting a young soldier coming home from a modern warzone and struggling to adjust to fitting back into "normal life" after everything he's been through. I really like the angle that interested me in the first place and I might still tackle the script in the next month or so maybe and see if I can work something out, but right now if I do it it'll probably be practice at creating atmosphere more than an attempt at making a decent short. Might also shoot an exercise based on the first Master's Exercise from earlier in the year (10 shots, silent, in camera editing etc.) about a man with arachnophobia (I can relate to that) afraid to look inside his bag, convinced there's a spider in it, while his girlfriend waits for him to retrieve her bottle of water. May or may not be funny, but I'll try - seemed funny at the time I came up with it, whatever that counts for.

And for further exercise work if I can take the first half of my screenplay written for Engish 252 and give it closure (as opposed to requiring scene two which itself requires the context of a short story earlier in my portfolio to contain its full deeper meaning) I might shoot that because I love the idea: something to do with a long elevator ride ;) Alternatively, I could go for gold and shoot both scenes and try to simply remove the reference to the short story, but I need there to be some equivelant significant moment in it. Maybe it stands alone, implying its meaning. Will have to run it by other people I guess, see what they understand from it.

Began writing notes on changes to make to Slade's American Grill, should be able to have that done (in theory) within a week or so of my maths exam finishing, probably just need to find a day or two to squeeze that editing in. Also finally looking to lay the sound over My Eyes Were Clearer On Sunday (yeah, that old piece of shit) just to have it complete and done and over with once and for all now that I actually have the computer space to make it possible.


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