I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Knowledge Is A Bitch

I'm learning new things all the time. Just yesterday I learnt that for the entirety of last year I had a university web-mail account that I never knew about. In addition, I also confirmed my suspicions that I do indeed to need to re-apply for my student loan every year as opposed to the idea I had in my head that it probably just rolled over year after year like it did between semesters one and two. This second piece of knowledge is somewhat bad news, as my courses start in 8 days and I should theoretically apply 21 days beforehand... Why did I not know this? The mind boggles, though I dare say for those of us who don't like to read documentation it's not a very well advertisied process.

Today I sent an email to volume 1 about selling them some of my secondhand books, got my bus money sorted, updated the company accounts and am about to write a script for a film I'm shooting on Thursday. So far I have:


The sound of footsteps.

Unfortunately, that doesn't help me much as this is movie mainly about two people, ONE and TWO, conversing, and neither has yet spoken, met the other, and or even been hinted at existing. As such, I have some work to do.


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