I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Dr. One, Nose Specialist

Did You Know?
The host of the Australian version of Deal or No Deal? is quite possibly the most I-want-to-kill-you annoying person I've ever seen. The show is crap enough as it is, and it's references to the action of choosing some random cases by number as "skill" clearly define it as being aimed at the 18-49 demographic, where 18-49 represent IQs. And when the case contains 50 cents they play an animation of a monkey at the bottom of the screen. Urgh, I hate that man's "hur-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoooo" and "her-haha" laughs.

Why No Posts?
I apologise to you, the sole reader of this blog, for failing to entertain you and ultimately driving you towards a state of suicidal depression and withdrawl. I've been busy setting up the new textbook rental company I'm involved with as well as planning a short film which completed production today after being written 5 days ago (ie. quite a quick, busy period because of that alone, let alone the other stuff).

The shoot went well. I shall elaborate tomorrow should I have more time, but in a few minutes I'm going to watch the movie that started the Bond franchise, Dr No. It will be awesome by default.

Goin' Down To South Park

The "controversial" South Park catholic-episode drew 7 times as many viewers as normal last night even though the ep itself was well below par. 210,000 out of New Zealand's 4 million population tuned in, versus the 30,000 it normally gets.


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