I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Saturday, January 28, 2006

IMDb Eats Brain Cells

For those of you unfamiliar with IMDb - or the Internet Movie Database as it's fondly known among those who despise acronymns - it's a handy site which you can use to look up information about films, mini-series, TV shows & video games and gauge what the overall general consensus regarding a particular film is simply by viewing a film's score out of ten (calculated according to public votes). However, the discussion boards at IMDb are likely to make you lose all faith in any hope of a bright future for humanity. It's as if everyone with an IQ lower than their age gave up trying to find the "Register" button at idiot-filtered discussion websites and ended up dwelling at the easy access boards at IMDb. I often browse these forums for a laugh at the end of a long day and today came across something rather humourous which pretty much proves my point about the high concentration of sheer stupidity over there. The original poster who began this particular thread, recognising like so many others before him the failure of IMDb morons to read a post as anything but serious, decided to provoke the typical IMDb backlash-response by posting absurd comments along the lines of confusing the upcoming Steve Carell movie adaptation of the TV show Get Smart with a prequel to John Travolta's Get Shorty and taking it to such an extent of errors that how anyone managed to read this as a serious comment is bewildering, and quite disturbing in fact. I mean, these same people are allowed to drive on our roads, share their opinions and hold a kitchen knife, all within the confines of the law. Anyways, as they say in comedy plot synopses (synopsii ? ), "hilarity ensues."


My favourite bit:
"If it was actually a joke, we could take it, unfortunately it was somebody being completely serious. "

Then there's the screencap I took a few months back when Sin City was first released in theatres in America (items of note marked in red). For added hilarity, check out the author of the second marked thread.


On an unrelated note, have any of you guys seen the Domino trailer? It's not as bad as the Apocalyptico one but it's still pretty fucking awful. "MY NAME IS DOMINO HARVEY (*echoes* Domino Harvey...domino harvey...) I AM A BOUNTY HUNTER" Urgh. In fact, seeing as I mentioned it, have any of you NOT seen the Apocalyptico trailer yet? YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS! MEL GIBSON HAS GONE INSANE! This must be the worst trailer I have ever seen. Ever. And I watch most trailers as soon as they get uploaded to the net. The trailer is here:


If it doesn't work, try downloading a QuickTime update (if you are given this option) or if you have iTunes then try the iPod version. Once you get it, if you pause it near the beginning of the smash-cut montage at the end of the trailer you may spot a Gibson cameo (note it is in fact Gibson and not Saddam Hussein) in which he confirms my suspicions of his insanity.

(More info at http://cinemablend.com/new.php?id=1949)


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