I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Sunday, January 22, 2006

God, Globes & Globules

Or, more specifically: God, City Of. You know, the film by Fernando Meirelles? I've seen it before, didn't remember it well enough to enter into meaningful discussion about it and as such have seen it for a second time. Good movie. Perhaps one of the best movies of the last few years. But not good enough to join my exclusive platinum-card "A" Club. City of God is a film which studies its subject matter from a distance, viewed documentary-style through the eyes of the semi-protagonist/narrator, and while it manages to maintain a gripping story throughout its condensed two-hour running time there isn't really any kind of knockout punch that would make it exceptional, perhaps because its detached style of storytelling (however efficient, and holy crap is it efficient) makes it difficult to connect with the film in any way. Sure, you feel sad when you see a kid proving himself to a gang by shooting another kid whose screaming in pain at the end of an alleyway from the bullet in his foot, and sure its a well-written movie and calling it well-shot or well-edited would be the understatement of the century, but as a whole it's a really technically sound movie with a very good story and which leaves you more than satisfied but which never reaches the same heights achieved by other great movies. I'll give City Of God an A- or 4.5/5. In other words, watch this movie. However, considering it's in the Top 20 on IMDB's all-time movie chart with a score of 8.8, I do believe it to be overrated.

About My Movie Grading System

We finally got coverage of the Golden Globes on TV2 last night at the horrendous time of 11:55pm. Good old VCRs. I watched it this morning and I have to say that it was entertaining, especially the speeches made by Hugh Laurie, Steve Carell (Ca-Rell, not Carol as I've been erroneously pronouncing it before now) and Geena Davis. I liked the informal-ness of it all, makes for more fun than the Oscars even if, as I said before, the awards themselves were as predictable as tomorrow's sunrise.

I had to have a group of 3 to make the title sound more interesting, and I figured globules fit with God and Globes because its like "Globes" but not and, like God and Globes, began with "G" and thus allowed for the formation of what some may refer to as alliteration. In reality, I have nothing to write which is even remotely related to globules. My condolensces to fans of globules, whether they be gelatinous or otherwise. If you feel you have been mistreated, I recommend Google Image Search where a query for "globule" or "globules" or the like may or may not yield a series of globule images to whet your unfairly hungered appetite for globule related items.


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