I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Poor Little Asian Guy

Did You Know?
James Blunt is a twat and his music sucks.

Right now on TV2 is quite possibly the greatest show idea in the history of everything, New Zealand's Brainiest Kid, hosted by Bernadine Oliver-Kirby. I mean... it's obvious whoever came up with this show was quite the brainy little shit themselves growing up, and this brain has been nurtured to create something which provides us with a rare chance to laugh at kids who think knowing pointless facts matters. Thank you.

My favourite of the bunch is the smarmy "mwhahahahaha" I'm-so-confident tall geek in the back who claps himself when he gets questions right and who currently leads and uses this fact to keep the weird I-bet-you-didn't-know-that-Bernadine grin on his face. But like Whose Line Is It Anyway? the points don't really matter, at least not to anyone outside of the central group of little people. What matters is that our supposed smartest kids are really, really stupid. It's not just the fact that they would have you believe that Germany is a city, but more often the questions that they pass on, or the fact that they pass on the limitless-time final question when they lose nothing in just answering the damn thing, that lead me to forsee a grave future for this country.

w00t! Smarmy Kid just got knocked out! Unfortunately the winner was Grumpy Pig-Tail Girl, and not the only normal-seeming competitor, Little Asian Guy, who came second. Aww.

Here is a picture of a kitten I drew to make Little Asian Guy feel better:

The pink symbolises flatulence and the blue reminds me of tooth fairies.


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