I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Because I've Been Far Too Serious Lately

What I Would Have Blogged Yesterday
Desperate Housewives was rather underwhelming on Monday. Grey's Anatomy was okay.

What I Will Blog Today
Today I helped do some red-screen shooting for Simon's film. After that we went to lunch where I had nothing. I came home and ate a week-old peanut butter sandwhich and counted the rotting bodies in my basement crawlspace while cutting my palm to feel it bleed and stalking the neighbourhood after nightfall whilst laughing maniacally.

Brokeback To The Future
Best mock-trailer ever. Seriously. View it HERE.

Awesome Cat Page
Are you a fan of the absurd? If so, click HERE. If not, you suck and I shall be forced to plant a fat cat behind your shrubs, ready to imitate a stone when you least expect it.

Frasier Is A Superb Show
If you didn't used to watch it, like me (I only caught the last couple of seasons before it ended), it's screening on Prime at 6:30 weeknights. It's a rare US sitcom in that it's witty without being overly dry or absurd. Kelsey Grammer can next be seen in X-Men 3 in May, as a mutant called Beast.

Kelsey Grammer (right) as Frasier Crane:

Kelsey Grammer as Beast (wtf?!):

Steve Carell as Brick Tamland:

I Love Lamp
At times informative, often rude, occasionally satirical and almost always intended to offend in some way, ilovelamp is now open HERE. Essentially, as Deli creator Llama writes:

"I Love Lamp is a humour site based around the obsession with commercial success in the entertainment industry. A tounge in cheek satire from the creators of "The Deli", the column is simply a fun look at a world that is notoriously taken a little too seriously. You'd be forgiven for thinking that Friday box office numbers are so important that the world might infact implode if the next big thing bombs, and we at I Love Lamp get that this thinking is pretty sad thinking. We just want to take a step back and provide a mix of humour, perspective and stupidity."

So yeah. You get stuff from him (celebrity-mocking, vulgar & witty) and from me (sad attempts at humour sparsely found among factual reports on things which entirely miss the intended point of the site's existence) among other writers from time to time.


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