I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Friday, January 13, 2006

Slip-Sliding Away...

Something Looks Different
Does anybody know how to fix a certain problem this blog page appears to be experiencing? I've noticed that the right hand side has slid to the bottom of the page for no apparent reason. Interesting...

Movie Review: Joy Ride
The film Joy Ride, which on paper had as much bad going for it as it did good, aired on TV last night. As the involvement of Paul "Timeline, Into The Blue, 2 Fast 2 Furious" Walker generally spells doom for any movie, I was somewhat surprised to learn that the film had been well received by critics and audiences alike upon its release a few years ago. This suprise lessened upon learning that it was co-written by JJ "Alias, Lost, M:I:III" Abrams, one of the top talents in film and television today. Anywho, it was a decent thriller filled with enough top-notch suspense and a good enough comedic supporting performance from Steve "I saved Sahara from total suckage" Zahn to overcome its simplicity, cliches and frequent contrivances. I'd give this film a C, or 2.5/5, meaning it's worth watching if it pops up on TV again (which, as NZ network television has demonstrated in the past, it almost certianly will within the next 12 months) or if you have a Free Rental voucher and you're in the mood for a thrill-ride next time you pop into the local video store.

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