I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Better Late Than Never...Maybe

15 months is a long time between posts, and I'd forgotten why I'd stopped. Then I read my two previous entries and it was quite clear. Anyways, I was looking for something to do during these last few weeks of the holidays and as David's recent post about stupid customers reminded me of my rant here it led me to the idea of starting another blog.

Since I last blogged, I left my job at Countdown. One would hope so. In fact, I think I left about 4 weeks after that entry. It wasn't merely my being sick of it which, of course, was quite apparent in said-blog-entry, but my boss actually denied me my holiday leave when I applied in advance to get time off to study for exams. As I recall, I got this job so that I could save money for when I would be a poor university student (ie. now), so it would make zero sense for me to jeapordise my chances of even getting into university just to work towards having some money when I go.

My resignation letter to my boss went as follows, with (subtext in bold):

Dear ____,

After careful consideration (it was a no brainer) I have made the decision to resign from my job at Countdown. I have really enjoyed working with the friendly staff here over the past two years (note the use of "friendly" as a means of excluding you from this group) and would like to thank you for the opporunity to gain new skills and work experience.

This is based on the time I feel that I will need to be adequately prepared for my upcoming examinations in November which I do not feel I can get from a schedule which includes nine hours of work each weekend (you don't know an ultimatum when you see one; see: Application for Holiday Leave, leave which I was of course saving for this very purpose and could have taken 10 months ago otherwise...grrr) and I believe that it is necessary to prioritise my studying over everything else at this stage if I am to enhance my chances of getting into my desired courses of studies at Auckland University next year which have competitive limited entry (I do not consider meat slicing and meat-head serving a viable alternative career that I must leave open in the event that I do not get into university on account of working through exam time).

Thanks for everything,

So that was that.

Anyways, 2005 was a fun year. University was good, sometimes tough but there's nothing like a bit of a chellenge. Glad to have made new friends and still kept in touch with all my friends from college. I've still yet to get another job on account of the same lazyness which may have contributed to my failure to keep posting in this blog the first time around, although I can (gladly) change the title of this blog from the no longer relevant Diary Of A Deli Boy to something else. Perhaps Diary Of An Umployed Bum Student, which would be accurate.

I've been working towards my goal of making films someday, having completed a number of short scripts and having shot a couple of experimental and completely pointless and (very) short films. I've also had the great opportunity to help out with cinematography on some shorts made by a couple of friends, Simon and Dennis, who actually write more realistically filmable shorts that don't require inaccessible locations and unobtainable budgets. Why such an idea continues to elude me I'm not sure, I guess I only write if something really grabs me and the prospect of making it is exciting, and so far these have all been things I can't film with the people I know who might be interested (who are all 18-19) as actors due to age or lack thereof, nor can I film the scenes at publically-available locations from what I can tell. No matter. I'll just keep sticking to what I know best. Right now I'm writing a rather complex short dealing with dreams and reality, romanticism and nihilism, good and evil, and above all making choices and taking chances. Somehow, despite the fact that I expect this to have a horrendously long running time for a short and require more locations and actors than anything else I've written this may actually be filmable. Maybe. Started writing the first proper draft a couple of weeks ago after brainstorming and aiming, taking into account my lack of motivation and drive, to have the first draft it done in a month. It's always hard to tell how long it'll take though, on some days inspiration strikes and on others I'll write in this blog.


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