I Eat Fish, Watch Movies

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Being a film fan(atic)...

Being a film fan(atic) it has become a goal of mine in the last year or so to work in the industry one day. I'm not dreaming of starring in blockbuster hits - I can't act for shit - but after watching countless classics in the past nine months I have been inspired to try to attain the heights of Scorsese, Coppola, Welles, Leone and Tarantino and today announce my goal of completing a feature film some day as a writer and director. It will be a long and tough road filled with obstacles of crap dialogue, predictable twists that have to be re-written, being unable to find funding and/or actors, until ultimately winning Oscars(R) and stuff.

It could happen...ish.

The idea? Among other things I've been thinking about an idea for a crime film, but not your ordinary bank heist gone wrong saga with gratuitous nudity, swearing and violence. I see no point in making what' already been made, or making something just for the sake of making a film like the numerous hacks whose works regularly fill the screens at your local theatre just to earn a pay cheque and fill the pockets of Hollywood bigwigs. Looking at classic films such as The Godfather Saga, American Beauty and Apocalypse Now, each of these has contributed something significant to society; making us think about the world around us in a different light, or opening up new ideas of how to look at filmmaking which has helped create other significant films. I want do something original; something which breaks the rules that have been slowly built up around this somewhat hackneyed genre. Take this crime movie idea for example. Who are the criminals? How did they get into this life? Do they have morals? Is it all just black and white "We're bad-asses, so accept it"? It's ambitious, but it's an interesting idea. You rarely get insight into their backgrounds and struggles, and it normally plays second fiddle to the plot. Even in classics such as The Usual Suspects and Reservoir Dogs you get a bunch of guys thrown in together with maybe a bit of exploration into one of them (Keaton in Suspects and Mr. Orange in Dogs). Perhaps it's because such exploration bores audiences to tears if it detracts from the excitement.

I guess I'm aiming to make it a significant influence on the events which take place to bring about a conclusion which explores the extremes of human behaviour - essentially what attracts me to the crime genre, ala The Godfather Saga, but perhaps to a greater extent than has been seen in any film in cinematic history! Mwahahaha.

Ahem...Easier said than done.

Anyways, I've done the first 28 pages of draft one, so this is but the beginning of this film-maker's journey into the unknown........ A journey that may end with me throwing said-script in the trash. Hmm. Not looking good.


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